Getting Started

  1. Add a Building Name.

  2. Select a Building Type which is closest to your project.

  3. Adjust the Total Floor Area from default to reflect your use case. This will recalculate your buildings electrical and thermal demands.
    Adjust Number of Floors. The total area is divided by the number of floors selected.
    Add or Remove a Basement. Basements are assumed to be the same area as the main floor and are no included as a part of total floor area or number of floors.

  4. Annual Energy demands and Fuel consumption are automatically updated based on your selections.

  5. You can now,
  • Save and move to the next page.
  • Customize Building to better reflect your project, in some editions.
  • Add other Building Types to your Project.

Note,  non-residential default values are based on ASHRAE 90.1. Residential values are estimates based on national averages. 

Next - Adding Energy Components
OR - Adding Comparison Rates
Previous - Define a New Project

Building Customization

  1. Select "Customize Building"
  2.  You can adjust the following fields, or leave them as the default value.

    The following fields effect heating demands.
  • Number of Identical Buildings - add multiple copies of this building as specified to the project.
  • Ceiling Height - the distance between the floor and the ceiling.
  • Window to Wall Ratio - The total area of the building's exterior walls (including windows) divided by the total area of the exterior windows.
  • Occupancy - average number of people in the building type over time. 
  • Man Doors - Doors designed for human access.
  • Vehicle Doors - Doors designed for vehicle access.
  • Wall Insulation- the R value for the exterior wall insulation.
  • Roof Insulation- the R value for roof insulation.
  • Construction Quality- A general measure for determining heating and cooling demands, Very Leaky, Leaky, Typical, Good, Tight. Use your best judgement when selecting this option.
  • Basement Wall Insulation- are basement exterior the walls insulated. 
  • Basement Floor Insulation- Is the basement floor insulated.

    The following fields effects electrical and/or heating demands.   
  • Heating Coefficent - Annual Heating Demand divided by this number determines the Annual Fuel Consumption or Annual Electrical consumption, representing the overall fuel>heating efficiency of a building. ie. Furnace efficiency. 
  • Electrical Profile Factor (coming soon) - The annual electrical profile is multiplied by this number, increasing both the overall electrical demand and peak.
    Note, the electrical demand is a summation of the hourly energy profile of a system over the year. Basic Version only allows the annual profile to be altered by this factor.

      3. Select "Apply" for these settings to take effect.